Kmt Translated
Kmt is a word without vowels pronounced Kamit, Kemet, and Kemit. We come together to give the pioneers their credit.
Let us credit the pioneers of mathematics, geometry, medicine, astronomy, writing, literature, agriculture, metallurgy, government, architecture, painting, sculpturing, algebra, science, philosophy, and psychology.
Black Society, the symbol for global unity, is the English translation of the Kmt Society. Kmt, the name for the society that was used by the Ancient African people in what we now call Egypt," is the strongest term existing in the Pharaonic tongue to indicate blackness. It is accordingly written with the hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end..." [1]
The currently accepted date for the beginning of Kmt is 3,100 BCE. This society was founded by a queen and a king from the south who unified the lower part of the land with the upper part of the land. This name stood the test of time as their nation lasted thousands of years. When the Kmt society was occupied by foreigners the name was changed to Egypt and Kmt was no longer used as a symbol of unity. Commit to that unity now.
[1] MOKHTAR, G. "Origin of the Ancient Egyptians." General History of Africa: Vol. II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1990. 41-42. Print.
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The Origin of the atom concept: Conscious intelligent action is the source of material creations, but consciousness itself is immaterial and seems to be nothing. Because it has no form of its own, it cannot be touched, broken, or divided. The Kmt name for this source, which is at the base of all material, is Atm. This gives us the word atom by way of the Greeks that studied in Kmt. Chemistry is the study of the material atom rather than the immaterial Atm studied in Kmt. The study of material in Kmt was called the study of Ra. The shirt has the original metu "hieroglyph" Kmt next to a contemporary icon for an atom.
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The Origin of nature: Neter, the generic Kmt word for the creator gives us the Latin word natura and the English word nature.
"This is the strongest term existing in the Pharonic tongue to indicate blackness; it is accordingly written with the hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end..." - [1]UNESCO Gen Hist of Africa V2
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