About Us
Kmt is an expression without vowels often pronounced Kamit, Kemet, and Kemit. We credit the pioneers of mathematics, geometry, medicine, astronomy, writing, literature, agriculture, metallurgy, government, architecture, painting, sculpturing, algebra, science, philosophy, and psychology.
Kmt, the term used by the ancient African people to describe the citizens of the land that we now call Egypt," is the strongest term existing in the Pharaonic tongue to indicate blackness. It is accordingly written with the hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end..." [1]
The currently accepted date for the beginning of Kmt is 3,200 BCE. This society was founded by a ruler from the upper Nile valley that unified the culture of his people with the cultures of the communities living in the lower Nile valley, near to, and in the delta. This name stood the test of time as their nation lasted thousands of years.
When the Black Society of Kmt was ruled by Greek foreigners, in approximately 332 BCE, the name was changed to Egypt and Kmt was no longer used as a symbol of unity. Re-express your unity now with Kmt Society. Reclaim your peace and reclaim your power.
When unity and peace is challenged, remember the words of Inyenyenzi Lwewndo and Michelle Obama, "When they go low, we go high...and we drag them by their hair, until they reach our altitude."
Kmt, Black Society apparel is manufactured in the United States of America in Washington DC.
![]() Hawai'i USA |
![]() Washington D.C. USA |
![]() Atlanta, Georgia USA |
Join Kmt Society
Kmt Society is a creator, artisan and seller of high-quality apparel. Kmt Society is an independent, family-owned business.
Sales Representative
A salesperson for new apparel, also known as a fashion sales representative or clothing sales rep, promotes and sells new fashion products to clients:
Responsibilities: Manage client orders, organize meetings, showcase new products, and handle client inquiries. You are the main point of contact between the company and clients.
Skills: Strong communication and customer service skills are essential. You should also have a strong fashion sense, be up to date on trends, and understand the business side of fashion.
Contact RH@kmtsociety.com to get started.
[1] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, General History of Africa Volume II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa: Paris, 1990. 41-42. Print.